Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Shared Hallucination versus Laws, Money and Bureaucracy

When you read a really captivating book, you enter into a low grade hallucination. A role playing game like dungeons and dragons is an exercise in shared hallucination. A church service is a similar exercise in shared hallucination. The shared hallucination state is pretty hard to carry into an activity, though, since it requires a relaxed and idle body.

Laws are the shared hallucination of legislators, really these days in the United States, 99% of the time they're the shared hallucination of corporate lawyers that are then passed into the hands of legislators in the states and the federal government. For the citizen, though, who has to follow them, they're the opposite of that shared hallucination state.

The shared hallucination state is probably a pretty good model for organization without money or bureaucracy. Dungeons and dragons might be a pretty good model for advanced planning and analysis.

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