Friday, November 9, 2018

Three Political Parties in the US of A

The Internet changed how election propaganda and political discussion takes place in the USA in recent years. It seems like the Internet accelerated a split in both parties, where the libertarians with any affiliation with the GOP got fed up with the neocons and the socialists and more libertarian oriented people who voted for democrats finally got fed up with the war  mongers and corporate lackies in the blue party.

Trump actually managed to establish a new coalition as a sort of third party candidate that used the apparatus of the GOP to win the election. Bernie Sanders' campaign was actually pretty similar, but he got bought off by the Clintons at some point.

Maybe over time, we end up with three parties in the US and the Internet breaks up the major political parties the same way it is breaking up the MSM. It seems like the three groups are pretty stable: various flavors of libertarian, rino/dino corporation party,various shades of communist.

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