Tuesday, November 13, 2018

There's no AI, there's only I

Intelligence, like information, is apparently a property of our universe that arises from the relationship of its elements. The human brain embodies this aspect of the universe. Our brain has a network of associations and structurally encoded information (i.e. knowledge  cultural, genetic, and molecular) that allows us to think and to understand. Other networks on different scales of time and size are operating all the time on Earth and throughout the Universe as a whole.

Computer code is a bad analogy for how our brain operates. Our brain is more like the structures that emerge from running code and those structures are quite apart from the program. The analogy of how the mechanics toolbox stores information is a way to illustrate this.

I don't think AI, in the sense it's popularly understood, is possible. That is, you can't write a computer program that manifests intelligence, rather you could embody intelligence in a machine or a computer the same way nature emodied intelligence in us. (This is really the premise of SkyNet in The Terminator movies.)

 However, I think the fundamental problem is that there's no way to create a formal language representation of the information that's stored inside us that makes our brain work. Since the world doesn't operate in formal langauge code, you can't encode it with formal language (a computer program).

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