Monday, January 29, 2018

Turning Techno Amish

People are always trying to figure out better ways to live. Many people in our consumer/technology/corporate society are pretty strongly opposed to the approach to life they were socialized into even as they keep going to work and turning the crank at the gloppita-gloppita factory.

The life of debt slavery and consumerism has very little appeal. False freedom. Lots of low level stress and constant avoidance of existential questions that sit in the corner and stare like a dog who knows its time for you to go outside.

There are books and youtube channels who delve into the nitty gritty details of alternative approaches to life that require no debt, and exist outside the consumer mainstream. It's striking how much their approaches to life resemble the pioneer lives I've read about in recent months and years. Growing and making food stuffs from scratch, or making clothes rather than buying them were necessities back in the 19th century, but are a means to avoid debt today.

If you wanted to live deliberately, and make deliberate choices about your life, it makes a lot of sense to pick and choose from all the historical examples of what worked and what didn't and basically go back in time with some modern technology rather than following the general flow of the contemporary culture.

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