In retrospect, the people who got Trump into the White House were brilliant in their use of Social Media as a propaganda tool. My guess is they developed all that stuff and then recruited (or ordered?) Trump to serve as their front man.
A peculiar feature of Social Media is groups can self-select and segregate into ersatz tribes. (lots of posts on
that) Two groups inhabiting cyber-space might not even know the other exists. When they discover one another, it's simple enough to just screen the others out if their ideology is hostile. A perfect example of this phenomenon is the Trump coalition included both strident evangelical zionist and jewish zionist conservatives AND alt-right cosplay nazis.
Both of these Groups Voted for Trump |
Subsequently, I believe other social media accounts were created (or formed spontaneously to fill an obvious void) to try to keep all these groups on task. In recent days, for example, as the United States and its allies appear to be agitating for a war or at least "regime change" in Iran, the alt-right "white nationalists" and "nazis" are cajoled by the idea that the Iranians are Aryans who deserve to be free from Mullahs and/or are Muslims that should be mass murdered anyway before they rape white women in London. Meanwhile on another vector, "White Nationalism (muh white race!)" is equated with Kosher Nationalism. Identitarian ethno-DNA-state of Israel is held up with toxic levels of irony, as a model for White Nationalists.
It's become more obvious that tribal marketing techniques were very carefully planned and employed against the population via the Internet--social media and YouTube specifically and that Hillary Clinton (who's policies Trump now puts into practice) and her old style campaign had no chance against weird alt-media personalities like Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux, which is pretty damn amazing.
Trump's people created a web of cross-promoting social media accounts in various overlapping ideological categories from the hoodoo alt-media people who talked about bigfoot, aliens, and alt-history topics, to alt-finance, to libertarians, to pick-up-artist websites, to the weird rabid anti-semite performance artist Brother Nathanael.
All of these were a feeder system into the
cloaca maxima of the Trump campaign. It started several years before the election and continues today.