Saturday, October 21, 2017

Why Facebook, Twitter, Instagram et al Took Over

There are still a lot of active blogs, but social media dominate people's daily Internet use these days to the point that people like Faceberg think their web site for posting cat pictures will be around forever and is divinely ordained. Meanwhile new social media like Gab or Minds or a dozen others struggle to get traction.

Facebook isn't what I'd call a "tech" company. They integrate technology, they don't make any new stuff. I'm guessing most of the engineers at Facefuck are bored out of their minds on a daily basis and spend all week in meetings about the social justice of what color borders to use for their text boxes.

Facefuck, Twitter, et al replaced blogs by making posts shorter and consequently less filtered and less work to read. Twitter forced that to an extreme and it actually worked. Since the posts are unfiltered, it allows people to form an emotional connection with a community and is a platform for acting out and ranting. By getting rid of written language formalisms like paragraphs and punctuation and spelling, it makes the creation and experience of content more visceral.

Now those sites are adding commissars to patrol posts, which hopefully kills them all. 

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