Thursday, October 19, 2017

Order and Economic Competition

I just finished a huge list of house repairs and improvements on my old home in preparation to sell it. When you're doing all that stuff yourself, and you've got an older home, you realize you're basically a caretaker in a community of caretakers. The work you do is establishing a little island of order in a sea of chaos. Along the way you can end up feeling some sympathy for future caretakers and feeling angry about sloppy work people in the past did.

"Order" is wealth. In the instance of real property, like a house or the soil of a farm, or clean streams and rivers that wealth transcends any individual's "ownership". However, in the system of the western world today, all those things are subordinated to money and accounting of profits and losses that only make sense within the context of a phony version of economic competition. (it's political domination masquerading as a neutral system)

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