Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Earth is "Self" Regulating

Our universe seems to be set up for short term stability within the context of very dynamic energetic physical systems. The interaction of forces, for example, that conspire to conserve angular momentum make our whirling solar system stable within the context of a whirling galaxy in an expanding universe. We are creatures of this moment in the ongoing energy density history of the universe.

Life on Earth takes place within the context of dynamic systems with multiple interacting and competing components that create environments that are hospitable to human beings. The breakdown of organic and inorganic matter that produces soil is a process that's going on all the time. The countless organic compounds and inorganic chemicals that fall on the surface of the earth get mulched into a medium that plants grow in with no human contribution or management. Tons of bacteria, fungi, insects and plants regulate the pH, chemistry, and physical characteristics of each acre of the soil every moment of the day year after year.

Western society seems to take place within the context of artifice where people labor, or pretend to labor, to get their share of what nature provides. This is maybe most aptly displayed in YouTube videos that demonstrate various composting techniques. There are probably thousands of those videos that show the nuances of putting stuff in a pile and letting it rot. There is a lot of useful information in them, but what seems most apparent is that even a compost pile is a self-regulating system and you basically have to work very hard to take it out of equilibrium.

Anyway, it seems like our labor is really aimed at demonstrating value to some imaginary (or real) hierarchy of chimp humans in a perpetual kabuki theater of reality.

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