Saturday, March 18, 2017

Being Inhuman

Corporate bodies rule the western world. The formula for this system was developed in the 16th century as the method for extracting wealth from the colonies of the British Empire and returning it home.

US imperialism is an evolution of that rape and pillage style colonialism. When Matthew Perry "opened Japan", the gunboat diplomacy, gunboat trade model was born. Rather than direct rape, pillage, and murder pirate style colonialism, the US imposed a system. It's leadership wanted US corporate friendly markets and participation of the subject colony in the corporate system.

After two world wars, the US system reigns over much of the world. Ostensibly sovereign countries like Germany, Japan, or even China or Switzerland are plugged into the US market system and work for Federal Reserve Notes that have mutated into various forms.

There are hardly any human beings anymore. People are cells in the body of corporate entities. We're trained that way since birth. The gray, dreary egregore dreamt up by a handful of English thinkers in the 16th century are the only gods on earth. How dull.

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