Thursday, March 17, 2016

A Labyrinth of Ideas

In an earlier post I discussed the Earth Mother concept and the association with the constellations Leo and Virgo. If you're in the northern hemisphere and it's a clear night, and you don't live where light pollution blots out the stars, it's currently very easy to find Leo in the night sky since Jupiter is in Leo. Jupiter is the second brightest object in the night sky after the moon, and Leo's tail is a fairly obvious triangle that'll be "above" Jupiter if you're looking South. The star Regulus (one of the Royal Stars) is also extremely bright. If you stare at the constellation long enough, you'll actually start to "see" the lion shape emerge from the random collection of bright points in the night sky.

Leo around 10PM from Northeast Ohio
The durability of these mythological concepts makes all other human creations seem ephemeral as sand drawings. Nations, constitutions, tribes, fashions of the market, are all vapor compared to stories about lions and ladies. It's appropriate then, that civilization rides around in a boat of mythology and mythologies form the boundaries of nations. 

If all our thinking is done within a web of associations, by creating new associations, changing the emphasis of others, then maybe mythological symbols and ideas are the root concepts where nature and human nature connect.

The horror show of the 20th century, and its toxic legacies, like cultural Marxism, seems to flow from the idea that man is completely disconnected from nature. That the false world is all there is and that man can be kept, forever, in a labyrinth of ideas, and the only form of higher consciousness is that insight. That is, an elevated man is just a more accomplished liar.

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