Thursday, February 4, 2016

Neocon Brand Nihilism

One of the most amazing aspects of the mainstream media is that the neocons who stridently pushed for War in Iraq and the Global War on Terror are still on TV every single day. These people's recommendation cost the US trillions of dollars, thousands of lives, and they cheered on the slaughter of millions of innocent people and the destruction of countless lives.

They pushed and cheered on torture as a federal government policy. They continue pushing for war and violence everywhere in the world, even as all their previous plans fail spectacularly. They seem to be front men for some mafia that's sucking the United States dry.

Many analysts have traced the intellectual roots of the neocons to Leo Strauss who was a commentator on political philosophy that specialized in the esoteric mode of writing that was extensively used by classical and "in the know" authors for centuries. I don't think this analysis of the neocons reveals much and is just a type of an appeal to authority or labeling. I think what's meant by this analysis is the dense, cryptic writings of Strauss hold some unholy of unholies that's only understood by his acolytes: the neocon creep squad.

For me, I don't think Strauss has much to do with the neocons. The neocons are just parasite shysters who have perfected a confidence game. Their big philosophical revelation is nihilism. They're a species of nihilist that believes in nothing but the grift. The grift is all they have and all they are. They worship the grift. As grifters they hold the subject of their con in particular contempt, but like every other grifter and con man or woman, or every tapeworm, without their mark they'll die or be forced to do something productive.

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