Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Masonry as a Meta-Religion

The Christian bible contains a story of three astrological ages (maybe four). Moses is a rams horned law giver who gets angry at his people for worshiping a calf. (Age of Aries supplanting Age of Taurus). Jesus then reforms the laws of Moses in the Age of Pisces The ubiquitous Jesus fish symbol encodes this idea.
Presently, it seems some group or groups of people are attempting to reformat the hard drive of western civilization with the code of the Age of Aquarius. Their interpretation of Aquarius seems to involve promoting concepts like "gender fluidity" and communism. The mantra "what will replace capitalism" is heard over and over. Androgynous figures like Miley Cyrus are promoted in the popular media.

Who is this group?

My current guess is it's the Masons or some Mason-like group, that is, a meta-religion, or maybe a religion factory. That is, their religion is astrology and the interpretation of the stars. Or possibly, they see the stars and star myths as a cypher they use to decode the collective unconscious.

I think the SyFy series Childhood's End is possibly a fictional depiction of what they think they are doing.

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