Friday, February 12, 2016

Tribal Revival?

Several times in this blog, I made the observation that the people of the West have been de-tribed. The Europeans are just one example. By all historical accounts they arrived in Europe as Burgundians, Vandals, Saxons, Angles, etc... but by the Medieval period they were all Christians living in nation states that had little resemblance to their tribal societies. People with African ancestry or Native Americans followed a similar trajectory--the way of life they had was largely erased when they ended up living in western empires.

Currently, many "white" people, that is people of European ancestry, are waking up to the idea that their interests aren't in line with imperial policies. They're on the sharp end of divide and conquer strategies that have been employed around the world as faceless, nameless schemers seek to dominate.

Many turn to the ancient, tribal past as a potential source of pride and purpose. Although, obviously, this is more an exercise in imagination and creation than it is in recovery of what was irrevocably lost. A movement like Asatru or other flavors of neopaganism are an example of that.

I think a re-invention of genetic tribalism is a bad idea. It's an anachronism. While people of the same ethnic origin might have some similar traits, it seems unlikely that people could recreate the sort of giant extended family that tribal societies once were where their genetics were similar owing to living in a common location for a long period of time.

Also, obviously, people of different genetic origin might have much more in common by virtue of a shared occupation or interest, today, recreating the situation from the ancient past where their tribe and genetic similarity were indistinguishable from common political interest.

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