Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The US Federal Government is Retarded

Battery powered semi trucks are one of the dumber ideas being pushed by the clods in charge of the US. The federal government is pushing them heavily as are some state governments like California.

There are two killer problems with battery powered trucks now. The batteries weigh too much, so more trucks have to roll to carry the equivalent goods. They take a long time to recharge, so the duty cycle of the trucks is significantly worse than an equivalent diesel powered truck, which means more trucks are required to carry the same goods. All that just means more resources are required to move goods around. A related problem is the cost to charge the trucks is higher too, because heavy duty infrastructure is required to do that.

If the batteries improve significantly, battery trucks are feasible, but currently they aren't up to the task and there's no reason to believe they will be any time soon.

The feds want to regulate petroleum powered vehicles off the road, but there's no replacement. So what happens when the regulations threaten the basic function of the economy?

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