Saturday, October 1, 2022

Ideology Prison

In the early centuries AD the german peoples were "pagans", then they were converted en masse through force, propaganda, and economic inducements to the jewish religion Christianity. Who knows how many people were murdered during that episode. Hundreds of thousands or millions more were murdered over the subsequent centuries to establish Catholic hegemony.

Ideologies like catholic christianity are typically welded to a political and economic system. Catholicism and feudalism went hand in hand. Doctrines like the "divine right of kings" were the basis for Spanish imperialism.

Communism was just a different version of religion. It replaced orthodox christianity in Russia and the soviet union like catholicism replaced the prior religion. Communism is jewish. The bolshevik leadership was 85% jews by some reports. The commies in Russia engaged in barbaric violence every bit as horrific as the catholic church. It's really very similar--the same kinds of bizarre tortures. The same kind of totalitarian spying and thought control as the catholics.

The only "value" of ideology is political. It shapes peoples minds and behavior. It makes them into a brick of the system. It makes them into a group.

The anti-ideology is individualism and growing the capability of the individual.

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