Saturday, December 5, 2020

New Way of Life

I've been pecking away at this blog since November 2015. It's really an attempt to figure out what to do next in my life. My corporate tech guy career ended, maybe permanently, in November 2020. I worked as a software engineer in satellite telecommunications since 2001. In mythology terms, the work I was doing was building the messenger layer of networks, doing the work of Mercury/Hermes. In an almost unbelievable coincidence, both my father and my grandfather had similar jobs when both served in the military, in WWII and in Vietnam and as far as I know we all sort of randomly ended up doing that type of work.

I actually enjoy the problem solving aspect of that work, but I really dislike corporations. Over the years the corporate form of organization has adopted the nanny-state/school marm aspect of the Empire. I disliked school since Kindergarten, and that dull form of organizing people so they're all sort of bumbling along en masse like a herd is foul and oppressive to me.

It's taken many years to realize how our world and how our own personalities are related to the world of archetypes that arise from nature. We're able to see how we relate to and fit in to the whole with those archetypes as a reference.

The Empire in the United States seems to be dying, or more likely, it's being killed. The crime scene is loaded with evidence of the murder. We have the corona hoax and a population that's so degraded that they're hysterically afraid of the flu. We have a failed, fraudulent election and completely rotted out institutions. Joe Biden seems to be a corrupt, addled, old fraud who was purposely nominated so neocons and neoliberal apparatchiks could run the government into the ground completely. Trump is like a sedative for actual America who keeps believing he'll save them.

The Empire seems to think it's going to formalize global rule down to the individual level via electronic means, but I doubt that's going to happen. The Empire is a sort of amalgamation of the Jupiter and Mercury archetypes. The exact meaning of those archetypes is malleable, though. At the end of the Roman Empire, a hundred different cults and pretenders attempted to conjure new versions of the gods into existence. I think that is a really good sign of the end of an Empire; it signals a lack of cohesion of vision of the people and a loss of connection to the moorings that connected ideas to the population and to the soil.

What's the future for the US? More importantly, how do I fit into that future? The global corporate empire, electronic gulag is not for me. There's probably no chance of "fighting" it solo. Maybe if there's a mass uprising against it, I'd partake, but I don't see that happening any time soon. That said, I don't think the corporate  empire is going to function at all. The sci-fi technocracy isn't going to happen. I really doubt the transportation system is really going to change over to all electric cars.

The empire will try to force that to happen with lots of regulation and by throwing money at cronies to try to build it out. The regulations will require an infinite number of loopholes so the system can keep functioning. That regulatory structure will strangle the technocracy in the cradle, I think, and it'll lead to a USSR style collapse. The insistence of using technology to build it will hasten its demise.

I am thinking distributed and small is the way to go, and shifting the technology base to simpler, redundant, and low tech is the overall theme. Similarly, rather than adopting the corporate hierarchy model, go with a flat, network model so there's no central target for regulation and control. From the financial/planning point of view, adopt a nature based model where plans are made in-situ and piecemeal rather than following the city planner and architect model. Also, rather than financing and then depreciating capital equipment refurbish old equipment to own and add value, and so reverse the time/value relationship of usury.

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