Friday, October 5, 2018

The City Egregore and Private Property and Enterprise

"Money" is an aspect of a system of political organization of large numbers of men, which binds them into a hierarchy that's mostly defined by the needs of war, i.e. fighting with other similarly organized groups. Terms like "efficiency" in the economic sense are typically measures of how that system functions. A private farm (see Enclosure Movement) is more efficient at transferring wealth to a centtral hierarchy than a bunch of small farms, or to no "farms" at all. It seems more and more likely to me that no "farms" at all is the most productive way to produce food, especially over the longer term, even if it's not efficient in the sense of paying more taxes to a war monger psychopathic oligarch.

If people were incentivized to help nature recover her productivity rather than to obtain money tokens sold by New York bankers with more money tokens sold by New York bankers the structure of property "ownership" and farming would be totally different than it is today.

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