Friday, July 27, 2018

Twitter and Faceberg Woes

The tech "boom" starting in the 1990s was all financed by devaluing the USD. The newly printed money was used to give an incentive to people like me to work in "tech".

Tech bubble 1 popped in the early 2000s. I switched careers back then to chase the Greenspan Monopoly Money.

It sort of looks like tech bubble 2 is popping now, and as an interesting coincidence, I got tired of Faceberg a few years ago, and twitter a few months ago. Once I quit those, I realized I wasn't missing much. Now, I'm eyeing my android spyphone device as a useless and expensive gizmo that's not adding much to my day to day life.

A lot of the investment and development in tech bubble 2 produced derivative trivial "new tech", like Fuckface. The replacement cost of Faceberg's servers and software development is a fraction of the "market cap" of the company, same deal with Twitter.

The whole scheme of data mining people and selling it is the fucktarded echo of google's original good idea of targeted internet ads, which seems almost totally tapped out after a couple decades thanks to ad blocking. Similarly, data mining is a non-value added activity that every company is doing now in a sort of Jonestown style koolaid binge.

It looks like tech bubble 2 is wrapping up.

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