Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Back to the Campfire

The current widely accepted guess is humans lived a pastoral, hunter gatherer life for most of the time humans have been on earth. Agriculture and settled life are relatively recent inventions, and industrial civilization is a blink of an eye in proportional terms.

"Civilization" is the set of solutions for a group of human beings to get what they need to live on earth. A point made in several previous posts is you can look at civilization as a meta-animal. As a meta-animal it has several of the characteristics of an actual animal. One key function is storage, transmission, and operation on information.

Over time, information has flowed through and been stored by civilization in a variety of ways. The very oldest way is campfire stories. Human beings spent much of their existence sitting around campfires shooting the shit.

The Internet is really like a new campfire. It allows for informal interchange of news and opinions and dispenses with channeling, checking, or editing them.

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