Monday, July 10, 2017

Trees! Part Two

Just as certain groups of animals and plants co-evolved, people co-evolved with their environments. I started elaborating this idea in an old post. (Trees!) Are arbitrary belief systems compatible with any given environment? Similarly, are widely held beliefs really just an expression of genetics?

The map above is a micro-version of the physical geography/religion map in the first "Trees!" post. It shows Northeast Ohio household incomes and biomass. There are typically many more trees and plants in the areas where there are wealthier people. At least in the case, above, it seems to track household income more reliably than just population density.

There's not really data readily available to look at ethnicity on a small scale, except the phony racial categories of the US census. On the basis of that data, there's no obvious consistent relationship between biomass and genetics.

Anyway, it's an interesting thing to keep looking at.

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