Saturday, June 10, 2017

Productivity of Natural System and Agriculture

In a recent post I observed that deer are super abundant where I live even though nobody takes care of them; in fact, they're suppressed. There are at least 75,000 deer in this county (Geauga, County) and there would be far more if they were just left alone.

There are, by contrast, only 14,000 or so cows. Cows require a lot of management and maintenance because they aren't native to this area. Deer are native, which means they work with all the other animals and plants that survive here. I don't really know what would happen with a herd of feral cattle around here.

There are about 0.3 cows per person in the USA. There are about 0.15 cows per person in Geauga County. There is probably 1 deer per person in the county. (Slightly fewer based on the official stats.) The cows are hardly noticeable, honestly. You have to go out of your way to find one.

It seems like a lot of the systems that are supposed to make life more convenient for people could actually be only about allocation of shekels to different groups and individuals and could make life harder for everyone and everything.

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