Friday, May 26, 2017

Artificial Intelligence Propaganda

PR firms, the MSM, and public business figures like Musk, Billy Gates, and Faceberg all push the idea that automation and "artificial intelligence" are going to completely disenfranchise workers. They proffer the solution of "universal basic income", which is communism, of course.

AI hype is propaganda. Clearly those guys are part of the same club. Their club pushed the same idea in 1933. The "technocrats" magazine was offering the same fixes for the "sky is falling" robot apocolypse of 19 fucking 33. Billions more people are employed now than in 1933, of course.

1933 Robot Takeover
Our economy is totally idiotic. The financial system--which Gates, 'berg, Musk--are all beneficiaries of is entirely parasitic. The goals it sets are foolish and wasteful, but replacing the current shit system with communism is fucktarded. Universal Basic Income is basic slavery. It has no merits to debate.

The enlightenment hit its sell by date a long time ago. Crappy old Marxism/Communism is the only ideology tottering around in the public mind. Every ideology is a mind prison, and the commie one is particularly retarded. It doesn't even ~work~ in the most basic pragmatic ways.


  1. Replies
    1. No, just a manual test. I tried to get a comment through a while ago and didn't want to type into the void.

      Why do you think universal basic income is slavery? Ideally everyone would have enough for shelter and food and a little for "entertainment" so they don't go insane. Any special luxuries would require a job.
      People would be dependent on the government, but they are already, so there's no change here. (Talking about that: it's crazy how many people in the US and globally already depend on foodstamps or other subsidies just to survive - many even with[!] a job)

      In any case I'd see UIB making sense only after we've reached a technological level so advanced that there are simply no jobs left.
      (completely ignoring mass immigration and other issues here)

      > Billions more people are employed now than in 1933, of course.
      I'd like to add that a ton of those aren't working what I'd consider "proper" jobs. Our economy is already satisfying needs that don't make any sense. Governments also subsidize heavily to keep the unemployment rates at an acceptable level.

      I came to believe that humans are just retarded. That's why no system ever really worked so far. We like to elevate ourselves and our "humanity", but the traits we want to describe by that aren't really found in humanity all that much.

      Maybe we're simply too many. There are some who call overpopulation a myth because technically we could likely feed 20B "standardized units of human" too, but socially we've already crossed all boundaries in my opinion. But that's another topic.

    2. I think the society that they're trying to build is one that's completely and totally managed down to the microscopic details of life. "Scarcity" will be the excuse for that. No excuse appears to be needed for the managerial class living in mansions, etc... of course.

      I think there's really no such thing as a proper job--that is one that's driven by absolute necessity. There probably wasn't in 1933 either, probably the case for a very long time. Rather, the economic system is more a means of political organization than a system of production of food or other goods.

      I think UBI is sort of like turning human existence into a "job", that is something that is managed and justified rather than intrinsically valuable. (maybe I am very influenced by 70's dystopia sci-fi like logan's run or THX 1138.)

      The managed society really is maybe an attempt at solving the "humans are retarded" problem, but the basis for the solution is a fraud. One of the big issues I am wrestling with in this blog is that ~any~ systemic solutions is bad, wildly distorted. IMO, that's what the metaphor of the "Star Wars" Empire is--the death star, clones. The Orcs in LoTR are another allegorical expression of that.

    3. Since UBI turns human existence into a job within this sort of corporate managed society, it's really going to produce the opposite outcome (of course!) than what's advertised... Rather than being free to pursue hobbies and dreams, the suckers who sign up for UBI will be on the plantation 24/7.

      Eventually everyone else would end up on that plantation--that's really the technocratic society.. Sort of a commerce-world version of Plato's Republic. Totally managed--first because "necessity" and faux scarcity and finally because the overlords are bad as always.
