Political Mafias as Patronage Systems
Political parties in the US are a lot like the
patronage systems of the ancient world. (A more recent example is
Tammany Hall) There's a core mafia that makes a living from the political organization: the politicians and apparatchiks in the media and in the government bureaucracy, and a private group of supporters--wealthy people and corporate people.
The Democrats were fronted and controlled by the Clinton's organization which tied into the larger network of Globalists and the financial mafia exemplified by people like
Marc Rich. Those people link intelligence operations to finance and the political world.
Both Old Party Mafias Died
The "old GOP" of the Bushes lost control of the republican party and lost their connection to the people. It seems like they were really elbowed out by Trump and his coalition. The Clinton Democrats actually died too and lost their connection to the people--for the same reasons the old GOP died--but the Clintons retained control of the Democratic party apparatus with their stooges. Bernie Sanders got boxed out of the primaries and Clintons secured the nomination with the help of their now thoroughly discredited media stooges.
Both Parties Died From the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars and Bank Bailouts
The Clintons were more of the same. The old GOP Bushes and Romneys were more of the same. People were sick of this.
Mass Media Died
The Mass Media died for the same reason the parties died, plus the Internet started to destroy them in earnest over the past few years. At this moment there's no national media in the US. The Cable TV outlets like CNN or MSNBC are money losing ventures that become less important on a daily basis. YouTube is eclipsing them.
As noted in a previous post, "the powers that be" are trying to convert YouTube into another mass media/broadcast media outlet, but that will just kill it off.
Trump Doesn't Matter
Trump's an interesting guy. He or his people represent some new mafia. He might actually be an improvement over the neoliberal/cons of the past couple of decades, or might just be more of the same. In any case, the Internet's the tectonic plate that's moving things. We're at the beginning of a new cycle that's really driven by the Internet.
Trump's Advisor Steve Bannon cited Cromwell as a parallel historical situation. That makes sense. The Internet's basically killing the equivalent of the Medieval System. People didn't realize the Medieval System was a thing until their was an alternative.
Once people recognize this current system is arbitrary and politically motivated it's as good as dead. That's where we are today.