Friday, October 14, 2016

An Unimaginable Scenario

The 2016 Presidential Election has helped expose a vast cultural rift in American society. It's a rift that's been present in the country since the very beginning.

America is a nation of people that left the old world for a new one. They made a break with their past, and a break with the ancien regime way of doing things: i.e. psychopathic violence and skullduggery. Unfortunately, the ancien regime eventually infected the United States with its shit ways, toward the end of the 19th Century, and finally, and completely after WW2. (Maybe Dwight Eisenhower's farewell address was a warning about this.)

"America" still exists, but it's not in the institutions that dominate DC and NYC. It's a fading memory, that quite unexpectedly has been rekindled by Donald Trump's campaign which has exposed an actual political schism between the people and the infection.

A divide and conquer scenario is playing out that I never would have imagined when I was a kid growing up in the 70s, riding around on my american made Schwinn or reading comic books bought from the main street pharmacy.

The World War One propaganda trope of the "Hun" has been reapplied to the millions of american men and women of all walks of life, skin tones, and religious creeds who happen to support Trump. The variation on the theme, this time, is they're all "racists and bigots" or xenophobes or whatever label, and are secretly in league with Vladmir Putin.

Imagine the cretins in DC are insane enough to kick off a war with Russia over Syria, then the meme of the Hillary Clinton campaign that the Wikileaks release of Podesta's emails, DNCleak and other material exposing the crimes of her family are a Russian plot suddenly makes her political opponents into traitors.

It seems insane and unlikely to work, but I won't be shocked if they try it.

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