Friday, May 13, 2016

Divinity of Stuff Part Two

In a couple of previous posts, I started to elaborate an idea of stuff being divine, that is, being suffused with the essence of the gods, rather than merely dead, because, well, why wouldn't it be? It seems that way to me.

Stuff, even the human body, gets a really bad rap in Christianity. Some of the gnostic christians thought the created world was fallen, evil, just a trap for souls. For pious men, women and sexual relations in general were like toxic waste--things to be handled only when proper precautions are exercised. The god of the monotheist cults like Christianity is hidden, or missing, or maybe, in a generous interpretation, extra-dimensional so present everywhere but nowhere to be seen or interacted with by the faithful.

Imagine, instead, a world that is alive with gods so you're among them all the time and that everywhere you look is a sign from the gods, or a sign of the divinity of creation, of matter, and by extension, you, your body are divine and need no redemption or judgement.

Rather than body and soul dualism and seeing matter as a trap, imagine a dance of consciousness and matter, symbiotic and very fond of each other rather than hostile adversaries. Imagine the body as an the bow for the soul, and the tension of the string as life. That's way better.

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