Saturday, December 26, 2015

Tapping into the Wellspring

The SyFy dramatization of Childhood's End provides an operatic visualization of the collective unconscious and the voodoo transformation of the world order that comes from the precession of the equinoxes, that is, the flipping of the page of the great calendar in the sky.

How would that actually work. That is, where do the gears of the celestial clockwork mesh with the human world?

My suspicion is that this idea is at the core of a religion, maybe the religion of some secret societies. Perhaps "they" (the proverbial they) believe they actively participate in this event and shepherd mankind into the new age.

I'm wondering if this is what's behind things like the constant barrage of "transgender" stories that ooze out of sites like Huffington Post. This Christmas (2015), a number of people and news organizations twitched across the social media news cycle with outrageous comments about Jesus's sexuality, an entity they certainly regard as fictional. Here's one example.
I believe "they" imagine they're speaking for or interpreting the collective unconscious and divining some expression of the constellation calendar. The transgender/homosexual fixation is perhaps related to Aquarius as Ganymede and is somehow related to the dawning of the Aquarian age.

If that's a fair representation of what drives the ostensibly western media, there's no reason at all to focus on it or analyze it. That would serve to enhance the effect and is merely reactive. A better thing to do is tap directly into the wellspring of imagination and creation.

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